A calico cat is dragged into an astrologist’s office by his irate owner in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
McCloud – “Encounter with Aries”

A calico cat is dragged into an astrologist’s office by his irate owner in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
A tuxedo cat named Murder finds himself along for the ride in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blurs! Two cats are among the several animals kept in small cages in this disturbing horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A longhair tabby cat (played by cat actor Trigger) ends up the victim of a Kitty Carnage Warning in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A black cat is confused when left by the Phantom in the arms of Mutt and Jeff in this animated short reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A black cat runs across the path of the superstitious Jack Oakie in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Purr Blur! A brown and white tabby sits outside the closing gates of the museum in this fanciful heist film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A couple of stray cats win the heart of a ruthless assassin in this remake of This Gun for Hire, reviewed by Linda Kay.
Prolific cat actor Orangey (billed as Rusty) has a notable guest appearance in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
While looking for her cat Oliver a police detective stumbles across several kitties and a body in this thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.