A gorgeous black cat is on hand to provide clues in this suspenseful British drama reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
Category Archives: Drama
Killer Joe (2011)
Purr Blurs! Two black cats (or maybe the same one?) makes blink-and-you’ll-miss-them appearances in this very dark comedy reviewed by Linda Kay.
A Different Story (1978)
An adorable tom cat named Chuck steals every scene in which he appears in this domestic comedy with a twist reviewed by Linda Kay.
You’ll Like My Mother (1972)
A gorgeous Siamese cat has the misfortune to live in an unnervingly unfriendly household in this thriller reviewed by Mark Murton.
Gran Torino (2008)
Purr Blur! A ginger tabby cat runs away when Clint Eastwood starts beating a guy in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Ulysses (1967)
A longhair tuxedo cat is the family pet of Leopold Bloom in this once-controversial adaptation of James Joyce’s novel reviewed by Mark Murton.
McCloud – “Encounter with Aries”
A calico cat is dragged into an astrologist’s office by his irate owner in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
Screen Director’s Playhouse – “The Sword of Villon”
Purr Blur! A cat (possibly played by two different cat actors) scurries about and causes a distraction in this television presentation reviewed by Ted Davis.
Earthly Possessions (1999)
A tuxedo cat named Murder finds himself along for the ride in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Nel nome del padre (1971)
Three Siamese cats are startled by a persistently nosey mother in this Italian film reviewed by Linda Kay.