This animated short special created by Osamu Tezuka is a dark sci fi story about scary aliens. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Category Archives: Horror
The Quatermass Experiment – “Contact Has Been Established”
A tabby cat named Henry is rescued from a destroyed building along with his aging owner in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
Raat (1992)
A calico kitten somehow becomes one of the terrifying elements in this Indian horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Season of the Witch (1972)
An adorable little white cat with black markings makes a confusing appearance in this George A. Romero film reviewed by Linda Kay
Deadly Eyes (1982)
A lovely tabby cat is one of the first victims of the giant dog-sized rats (Implied Kitty Carnage Warning!) in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Undead (1957)
A witch has the power to change into a black cat and does so frequently in this Roger Corman film reviewed by Brian H.
Baba Yaga (1973)
A cream colored Persian cat is a repeated image in this Italian film based on the comic strip Valentina. Reviewed by Mark Murton.
Beyond the Door (1974)
A tabby and grey cat belongs to a mysterious woman who tries to explain the plot of this ponderous film, reviewed here by Linda Kay.
The Awful Dr. Orlof (1962)
An adorably playful kitten and a beautiful black cat lighten up this Spanish horror film reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Telltale Heart (1928)
A black cat represents the nighttime in this silent expressionistic telling of Edgar Allan Poe’s short story reviewed by Linda Kay.