A tabby and white cat named Blossom is the pet kitty of the titular Fanny in this British comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
Category Archives: Genre
Wag the Dog (1997)
Kittens are very much in demand for a fake news video in this hilarious but accurate political satire reviewed by Linda Kay.
Howard Original (2020)
A black cat named Blue (played by cat actor Phantom) is the companion of a troubled writer in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Howard Original (2017)
A grey cat named Blue undergoes a surprising transformation in this short dark comedy film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen (1942)
A tuxedo cat wanders into a Chinese restaurant for a brief moment in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
I Walk Alone (1947)
Three cats are hanging out in an alley when three goons deposit an unconscious Burt Lancaster in this film noir reviewed by Linda Kay.
The Witches (1990)
A couple of black cat familiars are partnered with the titular antagonists in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Purr Blur! A black cat runs quickly through a foggy alley in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Little Otik (2000)
A black cat named Mikeš is part of a family who soon adopts a rather unusual and terrifying baby in this horror film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Earwig (2021)
A black cat is subjected to some harsh treatment in this surreal film reviewed by Mark Murton.