A black cat beats up a bulldog who seeks a rematch in this Bobby Bumps silent cartoon.
Bobby Bumps’ Fight (1918)

A black cat beats up a bulldog who seeks a rematch in this Bobby Bumps silent cartoon.
A gray tabby and white cat enjoys some pets from Omar Sharif in this made-for-TV historical drama reviewed by Ted Davis.
Kevin McDonald finds himself accosted by a fake tabby cat in a house full of kitties in this comedy film reviewed by Ted Davis.
A black cat makes a brief appearance at the very beginning of this crime drama reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A white cat is startled into running when an exploding bomb wrecks the apartment of Inspector Clouseau’s neighbor in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tabby cat is handled briefly by Diana Dors in this romantic comedy reviewed by Mark Murton.
A black cat reacts to Nemo’s flying bed in this animated feature film.
A hefty tabby and white cat named Tomkins is held by Van Johnson during one scene of this crime thriller reviewed by Mark Murton.
A ginger tabby cat named, what else, Ginger, steals scenes despite some rough handling in this romantic drama reviewed by Mark Murton with Behind the Scenes by Murton and Kay.
by Mark Murton Directed by: Elliot Hong Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: “The Company”, an elite team of top-secret mercenaries, discover that former member Danny Burke (Lenard Miller) has written a tell-all book about their dirty dealings and are determined to stop it from getting […]