The Birds (1963)

The Birds (1963)

Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock Synopsis: Hitchcock’s classic tale of avian terror finds a woman named Melanie (Tippi Hedren) in a small California coastal town which becomes the focus of unexplained bird attacks. Purr Blurs: In the first scene of the film Melanie is entering a San Francisco pet shop.  There are some kittens inside the front window of […]

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

Directed by: John Huston Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains minor spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Classic gritty city crime story about an ex-con named Emmerich (Louis Calhern) who gets out of prison and is looking for a backer for his planned heist of a high-end jewelry store. Amongst those recruited for […]

The Crooked Way (1949)

The Crooked Way (1949)

Directed by: Robert Florey Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: World War II veteran Eddie Rice (John Payne) suffers from amnesia and goes looking for his past, only to find he had ties with underworld criminals in Los Angeles. Featured Feline: The boss of the crime […]