Prolific cat actor Orangey (billed as Rusty) has a notable guest appearance in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
The Fugitive – “The End is But the Beginning”

Prolific cat actor Orangey (billed as Rusty) has a notable guest appearance in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis and Linda Kay.
While looking for her cat Oliver a police detective stumbles across several kitties and a body in this thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.
Several cats occupy the apartment of some drug dealers in this episode reviewed by Mark Murton.
A blue cat named Caesar has a small role in this suspenseful film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blur! A tabby cat appears on a dismal street not once but twice in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
A poor white cat suffers through inexcusable treatment, as do the women, in this film version of the classic tale, reviewed by Linda Kay.
Cats are both present and mentioned extensively in this French crime thriller reviewed by Mark Murton.
At least one, if not two, ginger tabby cats are the residents of a remote Australian bar in this unique thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.
A communist hit man encounters a couple of cats, both past and present, as he goes about his business in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A tuxedo cat is rudely interrupted while scrounging atop a garbage can in this mystery thriller reviewed by Ted Davis.