Directed by: Pete Travis Synopsis: Detective Tommy Akhtar (Riz Ahmed) takes on a missing persons case which leads him into the dark underside of London. Purr Blur: In the opening scene, Tommy is walking to a bodega. A tuxedo cat crosses the doorway just before Tommy enters. Final Mewsings: Bodega cats make great Purr Blurs! […]
Category Archives: Recent
Rhythm Thief (1994)
Directed by: Matthew Harrison Synopsis: Simon (Jason Andrews) is a guy who sells bootleg music on the streets of New York which brings him in contact with a lot of odd characters. Kitty Cameo: Simon lives in a run-down apartment building with a black cat named Lou. When Simon comes home at night he opens […]
The End (1978)
Directed by: Burt Reynolds Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Sonny Lawson (Burt Reynolds) finds out he has a rare blood disease and is going to die, causing him to contemplate suicide. Cat Cattle Call: Sonny is married but is seeing a girl named Mary Ellen […]
Fiumana (2012)
Directed by: Julia Gromskaya Synopsis: A woman at a window watches the world pass as she waits for her love. Cartoon Cat: As in many of Julia Gromskaya’s animated films a cat is present. The wind knocks over a bucket of milk which the cat laps. Later the cat is sitting beneath a lemon tree. […]
The Woman in the Window (2021)
Directed by: Joe Wright Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Anna Fox (Amy Adams) is an agoraphobic woman who watches her neighbors from her window, only to see things that lead everyone to question her sanity. Featured Feline: Anna owns a white Persian cat named Punch […]
Home Alone 3 (1997)
Directed by: Raja Gosnell Synopsis: A boy named Alex (Alex D. Linz) fights off international spies searching his neighborhood for a top-secret microchip. Kitty Cameos: Alex spies on the neighbors with a telescope. At one point he lets his pet rat Doris have a look through the lens. She sees a large ginger tabby cat […]
The Miller’s Beautiful Wife (1955)
Original Title: La bella mugnaia Directed by: Mario Camerini Synopsis: A man named Luca (Marcello Mastroianni) runs a mill with his beautiful wife Carmela (Sophia Loren) who catches the eye of the Governor (Vittorio De Sica). Purr Blur: When the movie opens we see a peaceful bucolic countryside. The narrator explains it’s a wonderful place. […]
Las Vegas Hillbillys (1966)
Directed by: Arthur C. Pierce Synopsis: A hillbilly named Woody Wetherby (Ferlin Husky) inherits a Las Vegas casino and travels across country only to find a heapful of trouble. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): As Ferlin and his buddy Jeepers (Don Bowman) are driving to Vegas through the desert when they come upon a woman standing […]
Mission: Impossible – “Orpheus”
Original Air Date: March 1, 1970 Directed by: Gerald Mayer Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: The team set out to stop a noted assassin before his next murder by getting his identity from the man’s only known contact. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): That contact is named […]
Gay Purr-ee Updated Post
We have updated our post for the animated film Gay Purr-ee with a longer description, new grabs and some behind the scenes information! You can read the updated post by clicking the photo below.