Directed by: David Bowers and Sam Fell Synopsis: Roddy the rat (voiced by Hugh Jackman), the pampered pet of a rich girl, is flushed down the toilet by an intruding street rat named Sid (Shane Richie). Purr Blurs: During a frog’s back story, a photograph of several Royal pets include two Siamese cats and a […]
Category Archives: Recent
How I Live Now (2013)
Directed by: Kevin Macdonald Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Daisy (Saoirse Ronan) is a troubled American girl who comes to stay with her British cousins on their farm when a massive war breaks out. Kitty Cameos: The farmhouse includes several cats seen in the first […]
Our Miss Brooks – “The Wild Goose”
Original Air Date: March 12, 1954 Starring: Orangey Directed by: Al Lewis Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Walter (Richard Crenna) sends Mr. Conklin (Gale Gordon) on a wild goose chase as a prank but the caper ends up involving everyone else. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): The […]
Motor Mania (1983)
Music Artist: Roman Holliday Directed by: Tim Pope Synopsis: The band Roman Holliday assemble a vintage car in a junk yard in this promo video. Purr Blur: A beautiful calico cat shows up for a couple of quick shots at the end of the video, distracting the junk yard guard and his dog as the […]
Kitten and Chicks (1937)
British Pathé Synopsis: Newsreel footage of white kittens hanging out with baby chicks. Reality Cats: The description above really says it all. The first kitten is sitting in a top hat with a chick on the brim. Next two kittens sit with two chicks. And two chicks watch a kitten drink some milk. Oddly, there […]
The Ones Below (2015)
Starring: Dave and Sydney Directed by: David Farr This review contains an Implied Kitty Carnage Warning! Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Kate (Clémence Poésy) and Justin (Stephen Campbell Moore) are expecting their first child, as is their new downstairs neighbors Theresa (Laura Birn) and Jon […]
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Directed by: Tim Burton Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A CGI-heavy variation on Lewis Carroll’s classic finds a maturing Alice (Mia Wasikowska) returning to Wonderland to help restore the White Queen (Anne Hathaway) to power. Cartoon Cat: As in the original story Alice encounters the […]
Child’s Play (1954)
Directed by: Margaret Thomson Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: A group of precocious children get into mischief when they manage to split the atom and then use the energy to make popcorn. Purr Blur: One of the boys tells the story of what happened the […]
Stranger on Horseback (1955)
Starring: Orangey Directed by: Jacques Tourneur Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film! Synopsis: Circuit judge Rick Thorne (Joel McCrea) arrives to serve justice in a town owned almost exclusively by one family who doesn’t appreciate his presence. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Thorne meets with the town’s Sheriff, […]
Hart to Hart – “With This Hart, I Thee Wed”
Original Air Date: October 12, 1982 Directed by: Burt Brinckerhoff Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode! Synopsis: Jennifer (Stephanie Powers) is thrilled to host her Aunt Renee’s (Eva Gabor) wedding, that is until the groom drops dead after eating the poisoned cake. Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Renee’s intended […]