Several cats make appearances in this Japanese anime film based on the film 3 Godfathers and reviewed by Linda Kay.
Tokyo Godfathers (2003)

Several cats make appearances in this Japanese anime film based on the film 3 Godfathers and reviewed by Linda Kay.
This short British film looks at several recipients of the Victoria Cross, including Brigadier Sir John G. Smyth who, along with his wife, was an avid Siamese cat fancier. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
While looking for her cat Oliver a police detective stumbles across several kitties and a body in this thriller reviewed by Linda Kay.
An odd-eyed white Persian cat does not back down from Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blur! A small tabby cat is rescued by one of a ship’s crew in this silent adaptation of Moby Dick reviewed by Ted Davis.
A cat may or not be the representation of God in this made for TV movie based on the writings of Kurt Vonnegut. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
Several cats occupy the apartment of some drug dealers in this episode reviewed by Mark Murton.
A cat relaxes next to the titular Uncle John as the man wears his boots on the best chair in this Cruella de Ville music video reviewed by Linda Kay.
The family tabby cat is just one of the things moved from Tommy Steele’s family home in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
Three cats with names that only exist to set up jokes have brief roles in this spoof of horror films reviewed by Mark Murton.