A black cat is a member of a family with an abusive husband in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
The Brute (1977)

A black cat is a member of a family with an abusive husband in this film reviewed by Mark Murton.
A longhair black and white cat named Gadzookey and two adorable ginger kittens are three of the cat characters in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.
Purr Blurs! Several black cats and one tuxedo cat have very brief appearances in this film reviewed by Ted Davis.
Cats are both present and mentioned extensively in this French crime thriller reviewed by Mark Murton.
An adorable white kitten named George has far too little screen time in this episode reviewed by Ted Davis.
A white cat is shown several times in this music video from the Australian Indie pop band The Cat’s Miaow. Reviewed by Linda Kay.
A tuxedo cat is seen hanging around a basket company in South Africa in this British Pathe newsreel segment reviewed by Linda Kay.
A Siamese cat features in the first few moments but doesn’t stick around long in this made-for-TV movie reviewed by Ted Davis.
A grey tabby cat at various ages appears in this non-linear French film reviewed by Mark Murton.
Purr Blurs! Several cats make extremely brief appearances in this film reviewed by Linda Kay.