Directed by: McKenna Harris
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: After the events in the film Luca, Alberto (voiced by Jack Dylan Grazer) is adjusting to life with Massimo (Marco Barricelli) who is a good guardian but rarely speaks.
Cartoon Cat: Massimo’s pet cat Machiavelli is often hanging out with Alberto.

He accompanies Massimo and Alberto (in sea creature form) as they fish.

Alberto writes to Luca about how well things are going, but in reality Alberto feels like he cannot win Massimo’s approval.

One night Alberto decides to surprise Massimo by going out fishing alone. After he lights a lantern he sees Machiavelli in the boat. This startles him into throwing the lamp behind him.

Unfortunately the boat catches on fire.

Alberto saves himself and the cat but Massimo is shocked and angered by the loss of his boat.

This event actually brings Alberto and Massimo closer and in the end everyone is happy. Machiavelli appears a few times in photos and drawings during the end credits.

Final Mewsings: Cats must wish they could aid us in our awkward family relationships.
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