Cleopatra (1963)

Cleopatra poster

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
 Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison
Directed by: Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Synopsis: Egyptian Queen Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor) has a thing for Roman men; first Julius Caesar (Rex Harrison) and then Mark Antony (Richard Burton).

Kitty Cameo: Near the beginning of the film Caesar arrives in Egypt with his soldiers to be greeted by Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII (Richard O’Sullivan), who has usurped the throne and banished Cleopatra. During this scene Ptolemy is holding a somewhat fidgety long-haired white cat.

Cleopatra - Ptolemy Richard O'Sullivan being carried in throne with white long haired cat

Cleopatra - Ptolemy Richard O'Sullivan holding white long haired cat with Pothinus Gregoire Aslan

Cleopatra - Ptolemy Richard O'Sullivan holding white long haired cat with Pothinus Gregoire Aslan

Ptolemy is a weasely leader who is mostly being led by his chief eunich Pothinus (Gregoire Aslan). As Caesar tolerates their conversation, the cat continues to look somewhat uncomfortable.

Cleopatra - Ptolemy Richard O'Sullivan holding white long haired cat with Pothinus Gregoire Aslan

Cleopatra - Ptolemy Richard O'Sullivan holding white long haired cat with Pothinus Gregoire Aslan

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t like to be held by weak leaders.

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