Starring: Lucifer
Directed by: Richard Stanley
This review contains a Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Based on the story by H.P. Lovecraft. The Gardener family is adjusting to life on a small alpaca farm when a meteor brings an indescribable horror into their midst.
Kitty Cameo: A squatter named Ezra (Tommy Chong) also lives on the property in a small home. When Benny (Brendan Meyer) takes Ward (Elliot Knight) to meet him, Ward is immediately drawn to a long-haired black cat.

Benny explains the cat’s name is G-Spot. “What? Come on, that’s like the coolest name ever,” Benny laughs, “A pussy named G-Spot? It’s totally hilarious.”

Kitty Carnage Warning! Later when Ward visits again he asks where G-Spot is. Ezra explains the cat has been scarce since the strange happenings began. Ward says he will let Ezra know if he sees the cat. “You might see her but I don’t think you’ll recognize her,” Ezra warns. Sure enough, when Nathan (Nicolas Cage) and Theresa (Joely Richardson) are driving home at night they are startled by a quick glimpse of what is presumably G-Spot, mutated by the color. Later it is implied that G-Spot is among the twisted, deformed remains in the back of a pick up truck, as Ward sees the bell that was on her collar.

G-Spot was played by cat actor Lucifer and handled by Fernando Silva for Dogtools LDA.

Final Mewsings: There’s a reason cats see muted colors!
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