by Linda Kay
Original title: Juventude em Marcha
Directed by: Pedro Costa
Synopsis: The elderly Ventura (Ventura) wanders aimlessly and repeatedly through the slums and housing projects in Lisbon, Portugal, visiting his children and acquaintances.
Purr Blurs: Early in the film, Ventura is waiting with another man named Xana for his son Vanda (Vanda). The men are standing stock still when a black cat appears on the stone staircase behind them. The cat is obviously surprised and confused to see the men there and waits, also standing still. Vanda appears through a doorway and he and Ventura walk up the stairs, scaring away the cat.

Later Ventura meets Vanda in the same location and they again walk up the stairs. As soon as they are out of frame a brown tabby cat appears on the steps (or is catapulted into the scene). The cat pauses a moment then runs through the doorway and disappears.

Final Mewsings: Cats are experts at wandering around cities.
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