Connie and Carla (2004)

Directed by: Michael Lembeck

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Connie (Nia Vardalos) and Carla (Toni Collette) are dinner theater performers who don’t hit their stride until they witness a crime and find cover performing their act as drag queens.

Kitty Cameo: Near the end of the film Carla’s boyfriend Mikey (Dash Mihok) thinks he has lost her for good and gets drunk. He is sitting on a swing on the front lawn of a house holding a bottle in a brown paper bag and a small cream-colored cat. Mikey is softly singing Memory from Cats (one of the songs the girls perform in their act). The couple of the house are looking at him from their front porch.

Connie and Carla - Mikey Dash Mihok holding bottle and cat on swing in front yard
Connie and Carla - Mikey Dash Mihok holding bottle and cat on swing in front yard

A police car pulls up and one officer (Charles Andrew Payne) orders Mikey to “Drop the cat!”

Connie and Carla - Mikey Dash Mihok holding bottle and cat on swing in front yard
Connie and Carla - Mikey Dash Mihok holding bottle and cat on swing in front yard animated gif

Final Mewsings: If holding a cat is a crime we’re all in trouble!

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