Corpo Celeste (2011)

Directed by: Alice Rohrwacher

This review contains a very severe Kitty Carnage Warning!

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A young girl named Marta (Yle Vianello) moves with her family from Switzerland to Southern Italy where she prepares for catechism while observing the hypocrisy around her.

Kitty Cameo: The catechism classes and preparations for the event’s entertainment are led by a woman named Santa (Pasqualina Scuncia). During one rehearsal someone notices a cat has gotten into the church. One girl tries to catch the tortoiseshell and white cat but it runs away.

Corpo Celeste - girl running toward tortoiseshell and white cat under bench
Corpo Celeste - girl running toward tortoiseshell and white cat under bench
Corpo Celeste - tortoiseshell and white cat running away from girl

Marta also attempts to catch the cat but it hisses and she lets it go.

Corpo Celeste - Marta Yle Vianello moving toward tortoiseshell and white cat under bench
Corpo Celeste - Marta Yle Vianello holding tortoiseshell and white cat

Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): On the day of the event, Santa sends Marta into the basement to get the decorations. While there Marta discovers a box of newborn kittens, likely those belonging to the cat in the church.

Corpo Celeste - newborn kittens in box
Corpo Celeste - Marta Yle Vianello holding up newborn kittens

Marta shows off the kittens to the other children, placing them on her head and arms. The kittens are so young they don’t even have their eyes open. One child suggests drowning them, while another tells Marta to put them down or she’ll hurt them. When Santa sees Marta playing with the kittens, she tells her they are dirty and not to touch them, then calls for Ignazio (Carmelo Giordano).

Corpo Celeste - Marta Yle Vianello placing newborn kittens in head and arm
Corpo Celeste - Marta Yle Vianello placing newborn kittens in head and arm

Severe Kitty Carnage Warning! When Marta goes back upstairs she stops suddenly and goes to a window, looking down onto an alley. She sees Santa and Ignazio putting the kittens into a plastic bag which Santa then ties up. Ignazio takes the bag on his scooter. Marta runs outside and follows him. What follows is a completely disturbing scene where Ignazio pulls up to a curb, slams the bag into the sidewalk and then throws it over a bridge. Marta runs down below the bridge but never locates the bag. Obviously the bag being slammed didn’t actually hold the kittens, and there is a disclaimer at the end of the film assuring that no animals were hurt, yet it is a highly upsetting scene to watch.

Corpo Celeste - Santa Pasqualina Scuncia and Ignazio Carmelo Giordano placing newborn kittens into plastic bag

Final Mewsings: We’re pretty sure Jesus would not approve of people killing kittens.

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