Cult of the Cobra (1955)

Directed by: Francis D. Lyon

Synopsis: American G.I.s sneak into a secret snake woman ritual and are hunted down afterwards by one of the snake women.

Purr Blur: The snake woman in question, Lisa (Faith Domergue), is walking down the street when a cat screeches at her. Actually the cat seems to be panting from stress more than screaming in the shot.

Cult of the Cobra - extreme close up of tabby cat's face with mouth open

The cat then turns and runs up some steps.

Cult of the Cobra - cat on steps
Cult of the Cobra - cat turning on steps
Cult of the Cobra - Lisa Faith Domergue looking at extreme close up of tabby cat's face then turning and running up steps animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats are not about to tangle with snake ladies.

Many thanks to Laurie Morrison and Brian H. for letting us know about the cat in this film.

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