Dances with Wolves (1990)

Directed by: Kevin Costner

Synopsis: Lieutenant Dunbar (Kevin Costner) is a Union soldier assigned to a remote outpost where he befriends wolves and Indians, leaving him torn between two worlds.

Kitty Cameo: During the opening credits some union soldiers are resting after battle. One soldier is playing with a black kitten on his lap.

Dances with Wolves - union soldier playing with black kitten while resting
Dances with Wolves - union soldier playing with black kitten while resting under opening credits

You need to find a widescreen version of this film, as the kitten is often cut off on the side of the screen in many copies.

Dances with Wolves - union soldier playing with black kitten while resting
Dances with Wolves - union soldier playing with black kitten while resting

Final Mewsings: Kittens are comforting even in wartime.

Many thanks to Sylvain Chevreton for providing us with information about this cat!

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