by Ted Davis
Original Air Date: March 29, 1966
Directed by: Pat Jackson
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: In order to plug a vital security leak, cool and resourceful M9 agent John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) goes undercover into domestic service at the country chateau owned by the affluent and upper-class Claudia Jordan (Moira Lister), who does not enjoy marital bliss with her roguish husband Basil (Denholm Elliott). The undertaking is a risky one, doubly so when Drake the hunter becomes Drake the prey, with his life in the balance.
Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): As Drake searches a luxuriously appointed guest room, specified as The White Room, for incriminating evidence, he is joined by an intruder who nudges open the door . . . a large and inquisitive tabby cat.

Drake picks up the cat (moving a chair to do so) then carries the kitty out of the room a moment later.

Final Mewsings: Cats have no reservations about interrupting secret agents.
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