by Ted Davis
Original Air Date: January 28, 1965
Directed by: Harry Harris
Synopsis: Archetypal American frontiersman Daniel Boone (Fess Parker) delivers a moral lesson about casting the first stone when Esther Craig (Geraldine Brooks), newly arrived to the Boonesborough settlement, is pursued by sincere but wrong headed and superstitious husband Joshua Craig (Gene Evans), who accuses her of being a witch woman. It’s up to Dan’l, his wife Rebecca (Patricia Blair) and close friend and hunting partner Mingo (Ed Ames) to quell the outbreaks of prejudice and animosity that threaten the lives of Esther and her young son William Craig (Kurt Russell).
Kitty Cameo: Joshua leads a riled-up gang of torch-bearing New Yorkers to his wife’s residence, but the home is deserted, except for a spirited caterwauling black cat on the front doorstep, which snarls its defiance.

The group busts down the door, but although they’re slightly discomfited by the appearance of the stubborn cat, they somewhat surprisingly — and thankfully — leave the brave animal unmolested.

Final Mewsings: Black cats are also the unfortunate victims of cruel prejudice and superstition.
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