Dnevnik (1974)

by Linda Kay

English Translation: Diary

Directed by: Nedeljko Dragić

Synopsis: A Yugoslavian stream of consciousness animated short in which a man walks through life, morphing into various versions of himself surrounded by the excesses of a modern world.

Cartoon Cat: In one scene a mouse is attending a party filled with rich, important people. The scene cuts to a lavish house where a cat is reclining in front of a fireplace.

Dnevnik - cartoon cat sitting in fancy mansion with fireplace

The cat looks at his watch and reacts with shock, realizing he is late to the party.

Dnevnik - cartoon cat looking surprised in fancy mansion with fireplace

In the next scene the cat is standing beside the mouse at the party.

Dnevnik - cartoon cat standing next to mouse at party

The mouse suddenly leaps at the cat and kisses him. The cat recoils before running away.

Dnevnik - cartoon cat being kissed by mouse at party
Dnevnik - cartoon cat pushing away from mouse at party

During the rest of the short the mouse can be seen still chasing after the cat in a kind of reverse take on the Tom and Jerry cartoons and the exact opposite of Krazy Kat and Ignatz.

Dnevnik - cartoon cat running away from mouse
Dnevnik - cartoon cat running through scene
Dnevnik - cartoon cat running away from mouse

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t know what to do when mice make advances.

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