Music Artist: Ed Sheeran
Starring: Dave, Sydney
Directed by: Saman Keshavarz
Synopsis: The music video for the song Drunk in which Ed Sheeran’s cat tries to console him after his heart is broken.
Featured Feline: Ed, who has recently broken up with his girlfriend, comes home to find his cat on the couch. Ed starts to drink beer. Much to his surprise the cat starts to talk, asking for some beer.

The two hang out together. The cat tells Ed to forget the girl and they play video games.

Ed plays some music and the cat joins him on the guitar (or rather a fake cat paw does).

Ed is still not cheered up so the cat suggests they go to the pub.

At the pub, Ed is still depressed, thinking about his girlfriend.

The cat tries to point out another woman but Ed is not interested.

They continue to drink and the cat finds a woman to pet him. This only reminds Ed of how his girlfriend used to pet the cat.

A man tries to take Ed’s picture and the cat (actually a fake cat) attacks the man. Ed has to pull the drunken cat off the man and they get kicked out of the pub.

Kitty Cameos: They take the party home and continue to drink as the cat has a bunch of cat friends over, as well as some women, and spins tunes for them.

At the end of the drunk evening, Ed’s cat reminds him that he can’t talk.

According to one source, two cat actors played the part of Ed’s cat in this video. One of them was a female cat named Dave. The cats were both pros, having appeared in the James Bond, Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean films. Another source lists a cat actor named Sydney who also appeared in Skyfall and Bohemian Rhapsody.

Final Mewsings: Cats are good friends until they get drunk.
Many thanks to Mark Murton for letting us know about the cat in this video!
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