Dustbin Parade (1942)

Directed by: Joy Batchelor, John Halas

Synopsis: A British animated short explaining the advantages of donating salvage during World War II.

Cartoon Cat: The short begins inside a black cat’s mouth as it is yowling to the moon. The camera pulls back to reveal the cat’s face.

Dustbin Parade - inside of cartoon black cat's mouth
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat yowling at the full moon
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat and full moon
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat yowling at moon animated gif

The cat is sitting on a railing as it sings. Apparently locals don’t appreciate the caterwauling and throw a group of items at the cat’s head. Fortunately, the cat ducks to avoid the projectiles.

Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat yowling at full moon
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat yowling at full moon
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat and full moon
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat ducking thrown items
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat yowling at moon then ducking thrown items animated gif

The cat gives the unseen assailants a nasty glance before a bone is thrown as well. The cat takes this as a cue to leave. The focus then turns to the discarded items and their effort to help the war.

Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat giving nasty look
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat ducking thrown bone
Dustbin Parade - cartoon black cat jumping off railing

Final Mewsings: Cats are all for salvaging trash if it is not thrown at them first!

Many thanks to RobG for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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