Directed by: Del Lord
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film!
Synopsis: The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard) try to get rich at the race track to help a homeless woman and her daughter.
Kitty Cameo: The Stooges find the mother and daughter living outdoors with only their furniture which has been turned out into a vacant lot. Curly finds some milk for the little girl and Larry brings a fish. Curly prepares to cook the fish in a pan on the stove. He sets the pan down on the open oven door and turns away for something. A longhaired tabby cat shows up and starts to bite at the fish’s tail.

When Curly turns back and lifts the pan the fish is gone.

Final Mewsings: Cats are quick when it comes to fish!
Many thanks to Laurie Morrison for letting us know about the cat in this short.
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