Post Updated: September 7, 2023
Starring: Eizer, Melanie
Directed by: Keren Atzmon
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A quirky independent film about a 30-year-old aspiring writer named Mia (Lindsay Michelle Nader) who has thus-far lived her life in a less-than-consistent manner, much to the chagrin of her mother (Joyce DeWitt) and her married sister Anna (Julie McNiven). While cat sitting for Anna, Mia leaves a window open and Bernard the cat goes missing. Mia sets out to find the lost kitty, meeting a musician named Ethan (Justin Allen) who assists in the search.
Featured Feline: Mia is desperate to start anew and begs Anna to let her cat sit the precious orange and white tabby cat named Bernard.

Anna reluctantly agrees. At first things go fine, with Bernard hanging out in his apartment with Mia.

But Mia has a penchant for smoking and opens a window to indulge, even though Anna asked her not to. Bernard watches with interest as Mia sits in the windowsill.

When Mia runs to the bathroom for a few moments, Bernard looks up at the open window then climbs on the sill. By the time Mia returns Bernard is long gone.

Kitty Cameo: As Mia searches for the missing cat she meets an interesting collection of characters all around New York’s East Village. At one point she and Ethan rescue a calico cat who appears to be in imminent danger while appearing in a low-budget student horror film.

Mia rips the cat from the actor’s arms, slapping the man, then Ethan knocks down the director before they run away, taking the cat to a local animal shelter.

Although Mia and Ethan grow more attracted to one another there are bumps in the road. Because of this, Mia is walking down the street alone when she spots Bernard sitting in the window of an apartment building.

Racing up to the apartment, Mia is surprised to find Luke Buck (Mikeah Jennings), an aspiring writer she met earlier who admires Mia’s work. He is now working for a famous writer (Janet Sarno) who has no interest in turning over Bernard to Mia and even threatens her with a sword.

Mia convinces Luke to help her rescue Bernard from the apartment, letting him believe her sister is gravely ill and desperately needs the cat back. They manage to spirit Bernard away from the arms of the drunken woman.

While celebrating in a bar, Mia confesses to Luke that her sister isn’t really sick, causing him to leave in anger.

Mia returns to her sister’s apartment with Bernard. There is a moment of excitement when Bernard leaps from the cardboard box in which Mia is carrying him and makes a bid for freedom, likely unscripted.

Everything else in Mia’s life seems to be going wrong but she is relieved that at least she found Bernard.

When Anna and her boyfriend Ross (Tim Donovan Jr.) return home she is distraught at the sight of the cat which she insists is not Bernard.

Indeed Bernard is hissing, growling and even biting at them. Ross agrees it isn’t Bernard! Incensed, Anna demands that Mia leave and take the cat with her.

As Mia walks out the door she shoves the cat into the arms of Ethan who walked in on the scene earlier.

In an attempt to make amends, Mia adopts the calico cat from the rescue shelter and gives her to Anna.

Anna accepts the cat and gets her some milk.

Later Mia looks in Ethan’s window and sees him sitting with Bernard the cat, or rather the cat that is not Bernard (but is clearly played by the same cat actor).

Bernard was played by cat actor Eizer while the calico cat was played by Melanie. This independent film can be somewhat hard to find but because of the cat talent (as well as the human cast) it is well worth seeking out. If you have any doubts, just look at this poster for the film!

Final Mewsings: Smoking is bad for cats, especially when you leave the window open.
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