Forty Guns (1957)

Directed by: Samuel Fuller

This review contains a slight Kitty Carnage Warning!

Synopsis: Griff Bonell (Barry Sullivan) is one of the last of the old-school marshalls who arrives in an Arizona county with his brothers only to come up against a tough rancher (Barbara Stanwyck) who wants the man on her side.

Kitty Cameo: This has to be one of the most bizarre spring-loaded cats in film history. As Griff is walking into a trap set for him by some bad guys, he enters an alleyway behind some stores. Suddenly a cat screeches and then falls down onto a wood crate before running away.

Forty Guns - long-haired gray cat falling onto crate in front of Griff Bonell Barry Sullivan
Forty Guns - long-haired gray cat falling onto crate in front of Griff Bonell Barry Sullivan

It’s clear the cat was catapulted (or rather dropped) into the scene and it is a rather long fall. Fortunately the cat actor appears unhurt although was likely jarred by the stunt (if the crate was actually made of wood, which is not clear from the film itself)..

Forty Guns - long-haired gray cat falling onto crate in front of Griff Bonell Barry Sullivan animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t typically fall in front of gunslingers.

Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!

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