by Mark Murton
Directed by: Maclean Rogers
Synopsis: Two unruly street urchins, “Rags” (Gerald Rex) and “Ginger” (John Singer) are brought before a court and to keep them out of further trouble their adult friend Nobby Clarkson (Leslie Fuller) gets them jobs as page boys at a local hotel. They soon discover that the hotel manager is connected to a group of jewel thieves and with help from the rest of the Front Line Kids gang set out to have the robbers arrested.
Purr Blur: Charged with walking the dogs owned by one of the guests, the boys instead hang around outside the hotel where they are surprised to encounter the younger members of the Front Line Kids who were evacuated to the country but have made their way back to London. To avoid detection they quickly usher the boys into the building’s air raid shelter. Here they set down the dogs which soon spot a bicolor tabby cat sitting on a table in the corner.

The cat quickly makes itself scarce and isn’t seen again.

Final Mewsings: Cats just want to find shelter from kids and dogs.
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