Game Warden (1955)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Harry W. Smith

Synopsis: One of the Sportscopes series of shorts. This entry focuses on game warden Brian Burgin and his efforts to carry out his job protecting wildlife and people alike.

Reality Cat: As Burgin is preparing for a day’s fishing with his son Bob, he spots something happening next door. A longhair tuxedo cat is standing amidst some tall grasses.

Game Warden - longhair tuxedo cat in grasses as Brian Burgin approaches

Grabbing the cat, Burgin pulls him away from a few remaining scattered feathers on the grass while the narrator (Peter Roberts) explains that this is the fate of thousands of songbirds every year.

Game Warden - longhair tuxedo cat being lifted away from feathers in grass

An angry old biddy comes out to collect her precious pussycat from Burgin, stomping away as the narrator states, “But try and tell that to anyone who loves their tabby cat.”

Game Warden - old woman collecting longhair tuxedo cat from Brian Burgin
Game Warden - longhair tuxedo cat in grasses as Brian Burgin pulls him away from bird and old lady comes to collect animated gif

Final Mewsings: Game wardens can tell tabbies from tuxedos even if narrators can’t.

Many thanks to Jon R. Kennedy for letting us know about the cat in this short film.

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