Directed by: George Stevens
Synopsis: A widescreen, episodic saga based on the book by Edna Ferber. Cattle rancher Bick Benedict (Rock Hudson), has his hands full with his forward-thinking New England wife, Leslie (Elizabeth Taylor) and rival Jett Rink (James Dean).
Purr Blur: This is one of those “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” kitty cameos which we like to refer to as a “purr blur,” but it’s well worth the wait! Late in the film when Bick insists that Jett accompany him out of the large banquet hall where Bick is about to give a broadcasted speech, they make their way to the liquor storeroom that is part of Jett’s enormous hotel facilities to finally duke it out. As they enter the room, a tuxedo cat races from the right side of the screen to the left, dashing across the room with a loud meowling screech. Perhaps this was to set the mood for the confrontation about to happen.

What’s odd is the cat is not so much running across the room as sliding, losing its grip on the floor not once but twice. It could be the floor was just slippery and the cat could find nothing to provide traction while running.

Final Mewsings: You can leave a cat to guard your liquor. Just don’t expect him to break up fights.
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