by Ted Davis
Also Known As: Gideon C.I.D.
Original Air Date: March 3, 1966
Directed by: Jeremy Summers
Synopsis: The vicious Carter Brothers, Red (Mike Pratt) and Syd (David Gregory), run an efficient car theft ring, but don’t balk at murder, and conscientious Commander George Gideon (John Gregson) of Scotland Yard needs the help of understandably reluctant witness Rachel Gully (Audrey Nicholson), with a valuable assist from forthright and dependable P.C. John Moss (Trevor Bannister), to put the repulsive and destructive pair behind bars for a long stretch.
Kitty Cameo: In a London scrap yard, as diminutive stool pigeon Tiny Bray (Frederick Peisley) hides behind a dumped car to spy on the Carter boys, a big scruffy old junkyard cat rests on the hood and is rewarded with a nice profile shot.

At the end of the scene, as the brothers drive away after concluding their dubious dealings with the yard owner (Bernard Stone), the stoolie moves from the hidden side of the car and the veteran cat waddles away, out of sight.

Final Mewsings: Junkyard cats need to look tough in order to compete with junkyard dogs.
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