Gigolettes (1932)

Directed by: Roscoe Arbuckle

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: One of the RKO Gay Girls Comedy shorts. June (MacCloy), Marion (Shilling) and Gertie (Gertrude Short) try to make a go of a run down roadhouse which has a history of being raided for illegal booze.

Kitty Cameos: As the girls look over the dilapidated establishment called the Wander Inn, a black cat runs by them. The girls scream and run away.

Gigolettes - black cat running across dirty floor
Gigolettes - black cat running across dirty floor

After opening the place, the girls find their only customer is a supposedly rich man (actually an escapee from an insane asylum). Gertie and Marion are in the kitchen, talking about their low funds. “I knew that black cat was bad luck!” Gertie insists, “Now look what she’s done!” She points to the cat who is lying in a box with five newborn kittens.

Gigolettes - black cat lying in box with five newborn kittens
Gigolettes - five newborn black kittens in box

Final Mewsings: More black cats should mean more good luck!

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