Henry’s Busted Romance (1922)

by Linda Kay

Directed by: Paul Terry

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: One of the silent Aesop’s Fables animated shorts featuring Henry the cat. In this outing, Henry falls in love with a famous ballerina and seeks to make her his wife.

Cartoon Cats: As the film begins Henry is riding in a cart pulled by a mouse which is being motivated by a piece of cheese dangling from a string just out of reach. The mouse spots a female mouse sitting on the side of the road and abandons the cart, flipping Henry out onto the ground.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry riding in cart pulled by mouse chasing cheese with female mouse on side of road
Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry falling out of cart as boy mouse meets female mouse

Henry paces sadly (very much in the same style as Felix the cat!) as he observes other animals such as bird and frogs in love.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry pacing

But when Henry spots a billboard advertising Mlle. Kitty at the Opera House he is immediately smitten.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry swooning over billboard of ballerina Mlle. Kitty

He hurries to a palmist who reads his fortune saying he will marry the girl he is in love with.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry having palm read by dog

Henry arrives at the Opera House with flowers in hand. When Mlle. Kitty is introduced he screams and yells for her so loudly the patron in the booth above pelts him with rocks! (Note her name is now spelled Kittie on the placard in the theater!)

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry cheering in Opera House box
Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry being pelted by rocks in Opera House box

Unable to contain himself while Mlle. Kitty is on stage, Henry repeatedly tries to reach her. Eventually he has to be thrown off the stage by an usher.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry watching ballerina Mlle. Kitty dancing on stage
Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry chasing Mlle. Kitty on stage with usher

Waiting for his love at the stage door, Henry hides when he sees her exit with what appears to be a wealthy dog.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry watching ballerina Mlle. Kitty exit stage door with rich dog

He follows them and is shocked when the dog sticks Mlle. Kitty up, pulling a gun on her and stealing her jewels.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry watching as rich dog robs Mlle. Kitty

Henry puts a quick stop to this and boots the dog away, rescuing Mlle. Kitty.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry booting away dog to save Mlle. Kitty

He carries her home where he pops the question. She immediately starts to cry and says, “That’s just what my FIRST husband said!” Numerous kittens come out of the house and Henry runs for the hills.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat carrying Mlle. Kitty
Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cat Henry with crying Mlle. Kitty and her numerous kittens

Some other cats also appear in the short, including some of the audience members filing into the Opera House.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cats and other animals entering Opera House

Also the cats playing in the Opera orchestra.

Henry's Busted Romance - cartoon black cats playing in orchestra

Final Mewsings: Female cats are known for being prolific when it comes to kittens.

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