Hit Man (2023)

by Linda Kay

Starring: Olive Usoroh, Rigby Romaine

Directed by: Richard Linklater

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains MAJOR spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Gary Johnson (Glen Powell) is a meek philosophy teacher who works part time with the police department to provide them with technological equipment for stings. His life changes radically when he is recruited to play the part of a hit man in one operation and finds out he has a knack for deception. All goes well until he meets Madison (Adria Arjona), a woman looking to have her husband killed, and things get complicated from there.

Kitty Cameos: Gary owns two cats, a tortoiseshell with a bandaged leg named Id and a gray shorthair named Ego. He is feeding them from their bowls near the beginning of the movie.

Hit Man - tortoiseshell cat Id and gray cat Ego eating from bowls Olive Usoroh and Rigby Romaine
Hit Man - Gary Glen Powell watching tortoiseshell cat Id and gray cat Ego eating from bowls Olive Usoroh and Rigby Romaine

Id only appears in one more scene, sitting in Gary’s lap.

Hit Man - Gary Glen Powell sitting with tortoiseshell cat Id on lap
Hit Man - Gary Glen Powell sitting with tortoiseshell cat Id on lap

While the cats only have these brief appearances, felines are a topic of discussion between Gary’s alter-ego Ron and Madison, who prefers dogs. She says she doesn’t like cats because of the stories she’s heard about cats smothering babies and such. They share a few cat puns and “Ron” indicates that he also prefers dogs. At the end of the film, when Ron and Madison are living together, Gary narrates that he has finally found a happy medium between Gary and Ron, but only dogs are present in their household.

The cat actors in the film are Olive Usoroh and Rigby Romaine. The cat characters were based on two real cats owned by the real life Gary Johnson whose names were indeed Id and Ego.

Hit Man - Gary Glen Powell watching tortoiseshell cat Id and gray cat Ego eating from bowls Olive Usoroh and Rigby Romaine

Final Mewsings: Halfway between Gary and Ron would have been keeping both cats and dogs!

Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the cats in this film.

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