by Ted Davis
Original Air Date: January 28, 1966
Directed by: Sidney Miller
Synopsis: Meek and unadventurous Arthur Bird (Bryan Foulger), guilt-ridden bookkeeper for a prosperous downtown department store, hires very blonde and very stylish private eye Honey West (Anne Francis) and her roguish jack-of-all-trades assistant Sam Bolt (John Ericson) to reverse burgle a load of stolen cash back into the store safe.
Purr Blur: In the pre-credits sequence, as Honey and Sam rush to a mysterious nighttime rendezvous, an alley cat springs from the top of a trash can, upsetting the lid, which clatters to the street. They find a clue chalked on the lid.

Final Mewsings: Cats never willingly return what they’ve filched.
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