by Linda Kay
Directed by: Dave Fleischer, Willard Bowsky
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Coal miners take a break from work to dine at Betty Boop’s (voiced by Mae Questel) Tavern. Later Bimbo uncovers ghostly spirits underground.
Cartoon Cats: The many different species of animals who dine at the café partake in fare suitable just for them. Three black cats are waiting at a table when the waiter approaches with a ladybug on a platter who serves them milk from a tiny gas pump.

The cats make short work of that milk so the waiter lowers a giant milk can with three nipples on hoses. The cats quickly put the nipples in their mouths to start drinking.

In the very next shot the waiter serves dishes of ice cream to Betty who in turn gives them to a tiny black kitten standing on a stool. The cat swallows the ice cream and tosses the dish aside, ready for the next one.

Everyone goes back to the mine and a time clock punches them in. One black cat falls on the clock and is labelled as late before being booted back to work.

Bimbo (voiced by Billy Murray) taps his way into an open shaft and is startled by something he’s heard. He runs off to tell everyone, which includes using the handy switchboard located inside the mine. A black cat is sleeping on the panel when Bimbo approaches.

In another example of cartoon cats being used as other objects, Bimbo grabs the cat and sticks his tail into a hole. The cat’s head becomes the mouthpiece as Bimbo spreads the word.

Final Mewsings: Cats would rather work in mines and drink milk than be lazy and have to stand in as telephones.
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