I, Vampiri (1957)

by Mark Murton

Also Known As: The Vampires, Lust of the Vampires, *Devil’s Commandment (* a shortened US version with alternate footage)

Directed by: Riccardo Freda (completed by Mario Bava)

Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: Despite the title and gothic castle trappings this is more plodding police procedural (albeit lead by a journalist) than horror. The journalist in question is Pierre Lantin (Dario Michaelis) who suspects there is a connection between the deaths of a number of young women found dead with all the blood drained from their bodies and the family Du Grand. So, despite the disapproval of his editor and the local police Inspector, he sets out to investigate.

Cat Burglar (Scene Stealer): Student Lorette (Wandisa Guida) is selected as the next victim and lured to a building on the pretext of delivering a letter given to her by a blind beggar. She arrives at the apartment and is greeted at the door by a servant who invites her in. He shows her to a room while he goes to fetch the owner. Looking around the cluttered room, Lorette’s attention is suddenly drawn to the door slowly opening. She looks down to see a tiny tabby and white kitten trot into the room.

I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten entering room through large door

Lorette crouches down to speak to and then pet the cat. As she stands up again she is grabbed from behind by a man who places his hand over her mouth and drags her away.

I Vampiri - The Vampires - Lorette Wandisa Guida with tabby and white kitten
I Vampiri - The Vampires - Lorette Wandisa Guida petting tabby and white kitten
I Vampiri - The Vampires - Lorette Wandisa Guida with tabby and white kitten animated gif
I Vampiri - The Vampires - Lorette Wandisa Guida with tabby and white kitten

Investigating Lorette’s disappearance, Inspector Chantal traces the blind beggar who confesses he was paid to ask Lorette to deliver the letter. Racing to the address, Chantal (Carlo D’Angelo) and two of his officers burst into the apartment only to find it empty, apart from the kitten.

I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten in large empty room

The kitten runs to the fireplace and looks for a way out as Chantal surveys the room.

I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten running away as Chantal Carlo D'Angelo enters room
I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten by fireplace as Chantal Carlo D'Angelo and police survey room
I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten by fireplace as Chantal Carlo D'Angelo and police survey room
I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten running to fireplace as Chantal Carlo D'Angelo and police enter room animated gif
I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten by fireplace as Chantal Carlo D'Angelo and police exit room

After the police have exited, the kitten heads towards the door.

I Vampiri - The Vampires - tabby and white kitten heading toward door in large empty room

Final Mewsings: That was one strong kitten to be able to push open a big door like that.

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