by Mark Murton
Music Artist: Rod Stewart
Directed by: Jonathan Kaplan
Synopsis: In this somewhat questionable video (one man’s infatuation is another woman’s creepy stalker), Rod spends his time spying on and photographing his new celebrity neighbour (Kay Lenz), though eventually he gets his comeuppance when one of her bodyguards catches him with his binoculars in hand and punches his lights out.
Kitty Cameo: As Rod trains his camera on Kay in the apartment opposite, he flicks a little food into a nearby goldfish bowl. The camera then pans across to reveal a tabby cat sitting next to the bowl.

Later in the video the cat is keenly observing the fish swimming in the bowl, presumably a visual metaphor for “the goldfish bowl of fame.”

Final Mewsings: Cats are easily infatuated.
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