by Ted Davis
Original Title: Vynález zkázyaka
Also Known As: The Fabulous World of Jules Verne
Directed by: Karel Zeman
Synopsis: In the latter part of the 19th century, brilliant but naive and credulous inventor Professor Roch (Arnošt Navrátil) develops a seemingly unlimited energy source for the benefit of mankind, but the ruthless and immensely wealthy Count Artigas (Miloslav Holub) intends to use the discovery to produce deadly engines of destruction, most notably a gigantic super cannon, which will enable him to enslave and rule the world.
Purr Blur: On board the three-masted schooner commanded by the surly Captain Spade (František Šlégr), Artigas’ chief minion, a sailor leaves the hold where teeming (animated) rats are frolicking, and climbs up to the main deck, where he spies a sauntering black cat, which is definitely not interested in ridding the ship of the unwelcome infestation.

Final Mewsings: Ships’ cats draw the line when it comes to animated rodent infestations.
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