Directed by: A. Edward Sutherland
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains a spoiler for this film!
Synopsis: Elmer Prettywillie (W.C. Fields) runs the local drugstore where he deals with kooky customers and gets caught up in a real estate scam.
Kitty Cameo: One sight gag has Elmer dusting bric-a-brac in the store. A tabby cat is sitting at the end of the counter.

The cat looks back at Elmer as he gets closer with the feather duster.

As Elmer reaches him, the cat gets up to move away but Elmer quickly cuts off his path with the duster then picks up the cat, dusts it and sets it down on the floor.

Final Mewsings: Cats can clean themselves, thank you very much.
Many thanks to Ted Davis for letting us know about the cat in this film!
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