Johnny Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (1944)

Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore poster

King Brothers Productions
 Simone Simon, Chester Clute, Minna Gombell
Directed by: Joe May

Synopsis: Kathie Aumont (Simone Simon) arrives in New York to take on a wartime job and ends up subletting an apartment from a man who forgets to tell her he has also handed out keys to all of his guy pals.

Purr Blur: There is an illustration of a black cat in the opening title credit of the film but the bad luck Kathie experiences is caused by a gremlin, not a black cat.

Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore - illustration of black cat by front doorway

In fact the only cat that shows up is when Kathie is seen briefly downstairs visiting the building’s landlords (Minna Gombell and Chester Clute).  She is playing with a tuxedo cat, holding it up with its paws out.  The cat is hardly seen in the wide shot and only on screen for a moment in the closer shot.

Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Simone Simon with tuxedo cat and Chester Clute

Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore - closer of Simone Simon with tuxedo cat and Chester Clute

Final Mewsings: Cats don’t mind being manhandled by Simone Simon.

Many thanks to Kitty L. for spotting this Purr Blur!

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