Original Air Date: September 21, 1999
Directed by: Pamela Fryman
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Dennis (David Spade) tries to hide his geekish hobbies from Adrienne (Rebecca Romijn) while Maya (Laura San Giacomo) and Elliot (Enrico Colantoni) go through the steps to get a divorce after accidentally being married in a cult group ceremony.
Cat Burglars (Scene Stealers): Dennis receives an invitation for his white Persian cat Spartacus to compete for the top prize at a prestigious cat show. When he finds out that Adrienne considers cat show contestants to be losers, he lies about going to a rugby match. At the cat show, several competitors are shown, including a Snowshoe and a blue shorthair.

Dennis finishes blow drying Spartacus’ fur and then picks him up to take him to the judging ring.

Another hopeful contestant holds an orange tabby.

Dennis makes eyes at the judge.

A quick shot shows Dennis parading Spartacus through a ring in the style of a dog show.

At the final judging, Dennis and the woman with the blue shorthair (Stasi Glenn) make faces at each other. Dennis eyes her angrily.

Dennis is shocked when the woman wins a blue ribbon . . .

. . . but is thrilled when Spartacus wins the top prize trophy. He throws his cat into the judge’s arms so he can parade around with the loving cup.

We’re not sure if Spartacus was ever mentioned or appeared on the show before this, but he was the focus of another episode titled When Nina Met Elliot’s Mother later in the same season, albeit he remained unseen. Dennis brings Spartacus to the office where the cat, hidden inside his carrier, is considered a terror and even scratches Dennis’ nose. After Dennis lets Spartacus loose in Jack’s (George Segal) office, Jack and Maya accidentally run him over with a remote car and tank trying to herd him back into his carrier. The cat is only ever represented by a stuffed cat, which is a good thing since at the end of the episode he catches fire.
Final Mewsings: Usually sitcom pets are forgotten after their single episodes . . . and maybe that’s for the best!
Many thanks to Stevie Holcomb and Laurie Morrison for letting us know about the cats in this episode.
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