by Linda Kay
English Title: She and Her Cat: Their Standing Points
Directed by: Makoto Shinkai
Synopsis: A poetic animated story about a young woman, her rescue cat and the lives they lead.
Cartoon Cat: The narration in this simple and sweet slice of life is done by the cat (voiced by Makoto Shinkai) who is rescued by the woman on a rainy day.
The cat explains how he quickly became enamoured of his beautiful woman.
The woman goes to work every day. The cat is not interested in what she does but enjoys the way she looks in the morning.
As the days go on, the cat explains he has a girlfriend, a neighbor cat named Mimi. Mimi wants to marry him but he is in love with his woman and refuses to explain the situation with Mimi because she is too young.
Summer passes and in the fall the woman finishes a long telephone call and starts to cry. She takes comfort next to the cat.
The film ends in winter with the days getting shorter and the cat watching the woman go off to work one dark morning.
This short film was remade as a TV mini series called She and Her Cat: Everything Flows which we will review in the future.
Final Mewsings: If cats could narrate their lives what stories they would share!
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