King-Size Canary (1947)

King-Size Canary poster

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
 Pinto Colvig, Frank Graham
Directed by: Tex Avery

Cat Out of the Bag Alert!  This review contains some spoilers for this film!

Synopsis: A starving cat (voiced by Pinto Colvig) resorts to a plant growth liquid to try to grow a canary to a satisfying size but things quickly get out of control.

Cartoon Cat: This is undoubtedly one of Tex Avery’s most memorable cartoons because of the sheer insanity and unforgettable images it entails. It starts out like many such cartoons with a hungry cat looking for fish bones in the garbage cans.

King-Size Canary - homeless cat looking for food

The cat then gets by a bulldog by giving him sleeping pills and breaks into a house where he finds no food in the kitchen.

King-Size Canary - cat doping bulldog

A cat food can produces a mouse (voiced by Frank Graham) who convinces the cat not to eat him since he will save the cat’s life later in the short. The mouse suggests the cat eat the canary in the next room.

King-Size Canary - mouse whispering into cat's ear

Unfortunately the canary is emaciated and so when the cat spots a bottle of Garden “Jumbo Gro” he feeds it to the canary who then grows huge.

King-Size Canary - cat smiling at giant canary

The canary starts to beat up the cat until the cat also drinks the Jumbo Gro and gets bigger.

King-Size Canary - canary realizing the cat is now gigantic

Thus begins a battle of size between the canary, the cat, the bulldog and the mouse which only ends when the formula runs out.

King-Size Canary - giant cat and canary with even bigger bulldog

King-Size Canary - giant bulldog and cat with even bigger mouse

King-Size Canary - gigantic cat and mouse standing on Earth

Final Mewsings: Is this how cats will eventually take over the world?

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