Directed by: René Cardona
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: Felipe (Mauricio Garcés) and Margarita (Luz María Aguilar) get married and have a son, although her Uncle Gerardo (Carlos López Moctezuma) warns them of a curse which may cost their child his life.
Cartoon Cats: When the son is born, he is shown covered with a blanket with cats on it.

Kitty Cameos: Felipe is listening to the story of the curse in Gerardo’s library when a wind suddenly blows through, carrying the cries of Luisa (María Elena Marqués), the ghost of the woman who cursed the family. As Felipe crosses the room he steps on (or rather kicks) a black cat who lets out a screech.

Gerardo explains that the black cat only shows up when the ghost is on the prowl. In a scene soon afterwards, Luisa shows up to the house in human form, posing as a nanny. Sure enough the cat is present again, jumping down from a statue.

At the end of the film, the curse has been laid to rest. But Margarita and Gerardo are both startled by the sound of a cat meowing. As they turn, they see a little black cat sitting on a table behind them. “I brought him home this afternoon,” Felipe explains, “They’re good luck.” “I agree, son,” Gerardo explains, “Very good luck!”

Final Mewsings: It was nice of them not to hold a grudge against black cats.
Many thanks to Wahrhaftig for letting us know about the cats in this film.
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