English Title: The Two of Us
Directed by: Claude Berri
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains some spoilers for this film!
Synopsis: A young Jewish boy named Claude (Alain Cohen) is sent to the French countryside to live with an older couple during the Nazi occupation of Paris.
Kitty Cameo: In Paris, Claude’s father (Charles Denner) is listening to the radio with some neighbors. One is a woman having her hair done by Claude’s mother (Zorica Lozic). The woman is holding a small long-haired tabby kitten on her lap.

There is suddenly an air raid siren and the lights go dim.

The woman carries the kitten as they exit the building.

The families cross the street. Halfway across, Claude takes the kitten from the woman.

They hurry into the air raid shelter.

Claude pets the kitten as the bombs start falling outside. The family hugs each other, the kitten in the middle of the embrace.

Final Mewsings: Never forget your kittens during an emergency!
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