Lies My Father Told Me (1975)

Directed by: Ján Kadár

Synopsis: David Herman (Jeff Lynas) idolizes his grandfather Zaida (Yossi Yadin) who is often at odds with David’s father Harry (Len Birman).

Kitty Cameo: Zaida is a ragman who buys trash to resell and David loves to ride along with him. They visit a man who tries to get one dollar for half a bathtub. For some strange reason a black cat is eating little bits of meat inside the partial tub.

Lies My Father Told Me - black cat eating meat scraps in half of a bathtub
Lies My Father Told Me - black cat eating meat scraps in half of a bathtub

No mention is made of the cat and no explanation is given for why it is eating out of the tub.

Lies My Father Told Me - black cat eating meat scraps in half of a bathtub
Lies My Father Told Me - black cat eating meat scraps in half of a bathtub animated gif

Final Mewsings: Cats are apparently not choosy about where they eat.

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