Little House on the Prairie – “Haunted House”

by Linda Kay

Original Air Date: September 24, 1975

Directed by: Victor French

Synopsis: Certain residents of Walnut Grove believe the reclusive old man named Amos Pike (John Anderson) who lives in a large dilapidated house, is a homicidal maniac. But Laura (Melissa Gilbert) manages to befriend the man and discovers the truth about his lonely existence.

Kitty Cameo: When Laura approaches the house on a dare, her dog Jack spots a longhair black cat in a window. The cat retreats into the house but Jack leaps in after the kitty.

Little House on the Prairie - Haunted House - longhair black cat standing in window
Little House on the Prairie - Haunted House - longhair black cat standing in window with dog Jack taking chase and Laura Ingalls Melissa Gilbert animated gif

Laura enters the scary home and hears Jack chasing the cat around upstairs (via barking and Poor Cat Screeches). She walks up the stairs and carefully opens a bedroom door. The cat shoots out, startling her, then runs down the stairs with Jack taking chase again.

Little House on the Prairie - Haunted House - longhair black cat running through doorway
Little House on the Prairie - Haunted House - longhair black cat running down stairs
Little House on the Prairie - Haunted House - longhair black cat running from room and down stairs startling Laura Ingalls Melissa Gilbert animated gif

Final Mewsings: Spring-loaded cats can show up even in the middle of the prairie.

Many thanks to Stevie Holcomb for letting us know about the cat in this episode.

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