Original Air Date: October 12, 1995
Directed by: Otis Sallid
This review contains an implied Kitty Carnage Warning!
Cat Out of the Bag Alert! This review contains spoilers for this episode!
Synopsis: Synclaire James-Jones (Kim Coles) catsits for a vicious kitty which, in an indirect way, causes Overton (John Henton) to give up carpentry.
Implied Kitty Carnage Warning! The cat which Synclaire is watching is named Mittens and is never seen on screen, but through clever effects the cat has a reputation of being a real terror, even being referred to as Cujo Cat. During its brief stay the cat rips up the toy fish Synclaire dangles in front of her, bites her finger and pees on Khadijah’s (Queen Latifah) pillow. When Synclaire brings out a carrier to take the cat home Mittens goes nuts and knock things off nearby tables before finally running into and destroying a bookshelf which falls on and kills Mittens.
Kitty Cameos: At the funeral for Mittens, three cats are seen sitting by a wreath. A photo of Mittens is all we ever see of the crazy cat.

Final Mewsings: In this case, sitcom writing killed the cat.
Many thanks to Laurie Morrison for letting us know about the cats in this episode.
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