Lo straniero (1967)

by Ted Davis

Also Known As: The Stranger

Directed by: Luchino Visconti

Synopsis: In the sweltering French Algiers of the mid 1930s, profoundly detached Arthur Meursault (Marcello Mastroianni) is tried for killing an Arab, but his sentence will be determined by such intangibles as his atheism and inability to cry at his mother’s funeral, rather than his guilt or innocence of the crime.

Purr Blur: From the vantage of his apartment window, during the evening call for prayer, Meursault impassively watches a black and white cat hurry down a city street.

Lo Straniero - The Stranger - black and white cat running up dark street
Lo Straniero - The Stranger - black and white cat running up dark street animated gif

Final Mewsings: Like Meursault, cats are sometimes condemned for an apparent lack of emotion.

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